019: Killer Impressions with IG Influencer Alex Beadon

It can be a really scary thing to market yourself in the online world on so many different platforms. But if you want to create a killer impression in your e-commerce, online, or service-based business, then you need to be visible.

Today’s guest is Alex Beadon, IG influencer, launch strategist, and entrepreneur. She shares some tips on how to confidently pull off a killer impression so you can get the reach that you want and need for your business.

016: Insurance and Protecting Your Online Business with TIS

When you’re starting up a business, there are so many things you need to worry about that insurance is probably the last thing on your mind.

Insurance has no real product, nothing for you to hold, nothing tangible. It’s money that you have to pay out without actually seeing any type of return in the near term.

010: Faith, Family, and Your Audacious Why

Today, we talk about three important elements that need to exist in your business. So whenever things get all crazy, heavy, and messy (because it will in one way or another), going back to those three will hopefully keep you going and get you back on the right track.