019: Killer Impressions with IG Influencer Alex Beadon

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It can be a really scary thing to market yourself in the online world on so many different platforms. But if you want to create a killer impression in your e-commerce, online, or service-based business, then you need to be visible.

Today’s guest is Alex Beadon, IG influencer, launch strategist, and entrepreneur. She shares some tips on how to confidently pull off a killer impression so you can get the reach that you want and need for your business.

Alex helps online entrepreneurs and offline entrepreneurs learn how to discover their online voice and find confidence in putting themselves out there online. She is passionate about helping people get clear on what it is that they want, come up with a strategic plan, and then learn how to market themselves using the internet in a way that allows them to just be themselves and have fun!

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Why you need to launch regularly
  • The power of setting up your intentions
  • How structure can give you more confidence in making profit decisions
  • Asking for the support system you need
  • How pleasure and play will fuel your business
  • Confidence tips to have the reach you're looking for in your business

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Recommended Episode on Alex Beadon’s Podcast: How I Manifested $100,000 (Episode 44)