Are you in the throes of getting your child’s virtual schooling while you’re also running and growing your business? What should you do when you don’t even have the break of an hour to tutor them? At least find solace in the fact that there are millions of parents out there who have this same struggle.
So what options do you have?

Dr. Brenda Murphy was one of those millions of parents that have children who are also falling through the educational cracks. Having an MBA degree, Brenda had planned more on being an entrepreneur than she had planned on being a homeschooler. She wasn’t a willing homeschool parent or an educator at that.
Out of Brenda’s eager dedication to help her child learn how to read, this paved the way for her to eventually go down the path of merging homeschooling and entrepreneurship, eventually creating SailAway Learning and Academy, where she now serves as President and CEO.
How You Can Support Your Child Who’s Struggling to Learn
In this changing environment, there are things that also need to be changed in our educational settings.
First, you need to have that mindset of investing in education yourself. If you have a child who is falling through the cracks, seek some good help from professionals.
You can shotgun things out there or spend hours online finding lots of different kinds of advice, but an educational expert – one who is trained to help you – can help you decide on the best approaches you can use with your child, for you, and for your situation.
It's really a matter of investing in yourself, even if you are only having one child because partnership fuels transformation.
What If You’re Also Struggling to Learn as a Parent?
It is when you teach that you really learn yourself.
And sometimes, especially if you are a struggling learner yourself, maybe your child is also struggling with very similar handicaps. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. And so, no one will understand that better than you.
You don't have to know everything. But there are some key things that you, as an educator or just your child's parent, should know in order to be successful with that child so they feel like they're learning, that they are accomplished, and that they are valuable.
Most importantly, understanding is the most vital piece, especially in education. When you get an understanding about yourself and about your child, it's amazing how much better things could go because you're not going to expect a dog to meow.
That way, it’s easier for you to find out if the way a curriculum is set up is just not going to be good for your child. Then you can change it and you can either find different ways to teach it. You will find a way to survive this and come out on top. In fact, some of those parents who were initially struggling have turned out to be the most amazing home educators.
If you want to learn more about giving your child the support they need while still running a successful business, check out 045: Homeschooling & Entrepreneurship with Dr. Brenda Murphy