financial planning, small business owners, small business, financial strategy, financial freedom

The Financial Rock Star Interview Series

Find out how small business owners (just like you) are living the dream by creating a strong financial plan. Meet Trivinia Barber — Financial Planning Rockstar Trivinia is the founder and CEO of Priority VA, a virtual assistant placement firm that matches online business owners with highly skilled administrators. Handpicked by Trivinia, a virtual assistant herself with X…

Should You Hire in the New Year?

One of the biggest costs you can absorb when starting and growing your business is payroll. The learning curve on training someone is big, so if you’ve made the wrong hire, you’re going to have to start all over again with somebody else. The process gets expensive quick because you waste time and energy on all kinds…

Business entity startup and setup

Business Entity Startup and Setup

One question we are often asked is, “What type of business entity should I set up?” The answer is always, “It depends.” There are implications that have to do with the type of business entity you establish, whether you declare yourself to be a sole proprietor, an LLC, or S-Corp. Different levels of government also…