052: Discovering Who You are as an Online Entrepreneur with Katie Chase

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Do you feel like you’re a square peg in a round hole as an entrepreneur? 

Many times, we think we have to get it all figured out right away. Then, we think we have to stay exactly the same as who we were the day we started. If our business doesn't look like it was supposed to look when we set out to start it, we view that as a failure.

In today’s episode, Katie Chase shares how her entrepreneurial journey revealed to her where her strength truly lies. Just because you start somewhere doesn't mean that’s where you have to end. It’s not a failure if you eventually realize that the business you've been building is not the business you should be working in. If you, too, feel that way in your business, then it's probably time to do a heart check and let Katie’s story inspire you.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Katie’s origin story from motherhood to entrepreneurship.
  • Her entrepreneurial journey and what she discovered along the way.
  • Katie’s financial journey and her ProfitHero experience.
  • Why make a financial investment in yourself and your business?
  • Her role now as an Integrator.

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Supporting Resources:

RocketFuel by Gino Wickman + Mark Winters

Traction by Gino Wickman

Bobby Klinck’s podcast

Episode 36: Visionary and Integrator 411 Gift Exchange 

Episode 47: Online Legal Basics with Bobby Klinck 

Kolbe Instinctive Strengths Assessment

Xero Accounting Software

Gusto Payroll